
We are headed here.

The cabin in the woods.

We are not on Gilligan’s Island.  We will have luxuries.

There is indoor plumbing.  There is air conditioning if we need it – though in almost 8 years we’ve only ever used it once!  There is a stove and a refrigerator.  There is a shower and tub.

We lack unnecessary luxuries.

There is no internet.  There is limited cell phone access.  There is no cable – 6 channels on local TV that don’t always come in.

The Tigers are on the radio.  There is always a fire in the pit.  Marshmallows are constantly on standby.

There are 10 acres of land waiting to be explored.  There is a baseball diamond mowed into the lawn by a Papa who spoils his boys.  A ropes course lines the trees, begging to be swung on and climbed.

If a boy yells in the woods it almost sounds like a whisper.  Ok, I’m sure the animals think we’ve infested them with noise pollution but to us it’s pure bliss.

The hummingbirds buzz the heads of those relaxing on the porch, waging territorial war over the feeder.  Woodpeckers attack the bugs in the trees.  Various birds call to each other that the loud ones have once again arrived.

Chairs surround the fire pit.  A glass of something icy cold is being held up by the rocks near the pit.  Mommies prop up their feet and read books for leisure that do not involve Spiderman, Percy Jackson or Buzz Boy and Fly Guy.

Day trips are made to places like this:

…where there will be swimming and splashing and sand castles and exploring.

And we are so very luck to have these two amazing and crazy guys joining us.

Have fun next week my friends!  We’ll be lapping up the peace and the laughter and adventures of 3 little boys.  We’ll be stuffing our faces with s’mores.  We will be getting the break we so desperately need.

I look forward to sharing our adventures with you upon our return.

Until then… Peace Out!

About Brotherly Love

I am a mom, partner, teacher and a lover of life. I have two fabulous boys who define my life as I know it. One of my children has been diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder, Asperger's and anxiety disorder. I blog as much about him as I do about my life and the lives of my immediate family.
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1 Response to Peace

  1. Debbi Henry says:

    Can I go too?? It sounds heavenly!
    Have a wonderful time relaxing, exploring, and swimming in the lake. I can’t wait to read all about it!

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