Bedtime Stories

“Mommy, read me a bedtime story.” 
“Not tonight, Eli – we’re up a little too late.”
“Then tell me a quick story about when I was a baby.”
“What story do you want to hear?”
“Tell me about the night I was born.”
I proceeded to tell him the story about the night he was born.  If your new to my blog you can read about it here.  He loves that story.  I added a new twist this time I told it by telling him that papa came to the hospital before he was born and gave us a funny name for the baby.  Fortunately we chose “Eli”.
As I wrapped up the story I realized that Eli looked perplexed.  I asked him what was wrong.  He said “where did I come out of mama?” 
We don’t hide things in our house.  We talk about everything and we use the proper words.  So, I told him he came out of her vagina.  “You mean I came out of that fuzzy place?”  Yes son, you did.  “If I came out of there, where’s mama’s penis?”  She doesn’t have one.  “Ok.”  I could tell he wasn’t but was really too tired to ask anymore.
When Eli was 2 he asked how God made him.  He answered his own question by saying that God used an excavator.  When he was 4 he asked how he could get a baby.  We talked about needing someone to be a mommy and began a small talk about needing parts of a boy to make the baby.  He will be 6 in October.  I can only guess that will bring the beginnings of the birds and the bees discussion.  I only hope that I’m mentally prepared for that and that the appropriate words are filtered into my brain and out my mouth.  Or, that I’m not home when he asks;) 

About Brotherly Love

I am a mom, partner, teacher and a lover of life. I have two fabulous boys who define my life as I know it. One of my children has been diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder, Asperger's and anxiety disorder. I blog as much about him as I do about my life and the lives of my immediate family.
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